Markie Post measurements, bio, height, weight, shoe and bra size

Markie Post (born March 29 in 1961) has been an American actress best known as Christine Sullivan, a public defender on NBCs Night Court. Terri Michaels, a bail bondwoman in ABCs drama The Fall Guy. Georgie Anne Lahti Hartman is a character on CBSs Hearts Afire. Alongside acting, she has also appeared in games shows. She is the daughter of the scientist Richard F. Post and his wife, poet Marylee Post was raised in Walnut Creek and Stanford alongside her two siblings. Las Lomas High School, which she was a cheerleader. The school she attended was Pomona College. Post was married prior the wedding to Stephen Knox. Michael A. Ross (actor/writer) is the husband of Post since 1982. The couple has two daughters. A wonderful actress and an ideal mother and wife. Post is an inspiration for many in Hollywood. Her first roles as an actress included an episode in the 1980s of Barnaby Jones, the pilot for Simon & Simon Details At Elevenin 1981, and episode one of the show's second season from 1982, as well as The A-Team. Post also was a character in The Only Church of Townin 1983 & Hot Stylesin 84 & The Love Boat. In 1983, Hot Styles and The Love Boat became her main characters on ABC's action drama The Fall Guy. She has previously been a part of Buck Rogers for The Twenty-First Century as well as the science-fiction series Buck Rogers. Milena Amy Amy Lauren Lauren Markie Markie Mary Mary Health


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